What Are Revenue Operations (RevOps)?

Flockjay Team

In the past, sales-focused companies were notoriously siloed. Departments stayed in their lanes and focused on contributing to the organization’s bottom line. While that worked for a while, things are different now.

Today, more and more companies are adopting a method known as Revenue Operations (RevOps). What is revenue operations?

RevOps is the practice of converging the operations of multiple departments into one unified strategy. It’s about aligning goals, creating transparency, and improving end-to-end operational efficiency. Aligning those otherwise separate departments drives predictable revenue and spurs growth.

There are many reasons for this marked shift in operations. A combination of evolved buying processes, developments in data collection, an increased need for transparency, and other factors are in the mix. Either way, it pays to adopt this methodology in your company.

What Departments Contribute to Revenue Operations?

The definition of RevOps can seem confusing from the outside looking in. But when you’re in the fold of a company scrambling to drive revenue and produce growth, the need for it is often glaringly apparent. Siloed operations don’t cut it in the modern sales stratosphere.

Today, the goal is to work together toward a shared objective. Aligning strategies keeps everyone on the same page and allows teams to work together to complete initiatives. In sales, the collective is more important than the individual, and RevOps embodies that concept.

Activating revenue operations is like breathing new life into your organization and unlocking your true revenue potential. Many organizations will form dedicated RevOps teams, but which departments contribute to the RevOps’ grander goals?

While all departments can contribute, three have the most to give. These are sales, marketing, and customer success.

Examples of How Teams Collaborate for RevOps

Your teams will continue to fulfill their particular responsibilities to the organization. But by definition, RevOps encourages collaboration. Let’s look at some examples of how individual departments help with your revenue operations.

Marketing Teams: Territory Planning, Quotas, and Rep Efficiency

Marketing is perhaps one of the most data-reliant teams in your entire organization. Marketing operations involve extensive research, in-depth knowledge of the current sales space, and understanding every facet of your target demographic.

With the holistic approach of RevOps, your marketing department puts that knowledge and expertise to good use on a grander scale.

RevOps teams often turn to marketing experts for territory planning. They use their data to create strategies for every sales area they plan to tackle. Every territory is unique and requires a distinct approach to appeal to target buyers.

With the marketing team by their side, RevOps can create quotas, measure rep efficiency, and develop impactful strategies.

Marketing Teams: Drive User Engagement and Generate Leads

Of course, marketing operations also drum up interest and help captivate potential buyers. This department’s work can generate new leads that eventually go to the sales team.

They can generate buzz, engage audiences, and build brand awareness through strategic advertising campaigns both on- and offline.

Sales Teams: Leverage a Multi-Channel Attribution System

Sales operations are relatively straightforward. But with RevOps, your sales force can partner with other departments to fine-tune their plan of attack and develop effective sales strategies.

For example, your representatives can leverage the data from marketing and RevOps to make sales more efficient. Attribution is about identifying multiple touchpoints, understanding their value, and using them to drive the sales process.

In this case, RevOps can evaluate marketing effectiveness and reveal the most successful channels. With that information in hand, sales reps can pursue leads, guide prospects through the buyer’s journey, and make deals.

Sales Teams: Engage Prospects and Close Deals

Your sales department is directly responsible for engaging with prospects. Your sales team includes multiple positions. For example, you might have reps who make discovery calls and qualify leads, others who create pitches and reach out to prospects, and closers who make the final sale.

Each one of those positions is critical to boosting your bottom line. With RevOps, sales teams have all the tools they need to create winning moments. They can leverage data from marketing to pursue high-value leads, determine which channels are worth pursuing, and more.

Sales are on the front lines of your company’s operations, and RevOps supports them at every step.

Success Teams: Create Great Customer Experiences

This department is often overlooked, but the members of this team play a valuable role in your organization’s ongoing success and revenue growth.

Customer success operations also ensure that every buyer takes full advantage of the value offered by your product or service. They proactively address problems and work with customers to keep them happy.

The ultimate goal is to improve the customer experience across the board. When your existing customers are happy, they’re bound to become supporters for years.

Customer success managers directly support the sales team — but that’s not all. They also increase sales ROI, expanding the customer lifetime value of every buyer they engage. That can turn one-off customers into loyal brand supporters.

Success Teams: Upselling, Renewal, and Retention

Customer success operations also include revenue generation. While most companies view them as an after-sales department, they can continue to drive profits and boost the sales ROI. This department’s primary responsibility is to support patrons as they transition from prospects to customers.

But their job doesn’t stop at providing support. Success reps also have ample opportunities to upsell products, cross-sell to increase exposure to other goods or services your company offers, and more. They build trust with clients, boosting your organization’s reputation. Furthermore, they interact with your supporters in ways other departments can’t. Everything from celebrating customer success to addressing potential pain points is an opportunity to sell.

You can’t upsell without a top-notch customer experience, and this team makes it happen. The department plays a massive part in customer retention, encouraging more sales and renewals. Their work helps generate a reliable income stream that doesn’t stop with a single deal.

Integrate Training, Enablement, and Collaboration Across Teams

Are you ready to activate a revenue operations model at your company? While it may look like a massive undertaking, Flockjay can make it much more manageable. Flockjay is an all-in-one sales platform that provides tons of functionality to your entire organization.

It serves as an enablement tool, a learning platform, a place to structure sales content, and more. When it comes to RevOps, Flockjay is the perfect place to bring your teams together for collaboration and peer-to-peer learning.

Check out the platform today to see what’s possible with Flockjay and RevOps!

In the past, sales-focused companies were notoriously siloed. Departments stayed in their lanes and focused on contributing to the organization’s bottom line. While that worked for a while, things are different now.

Today, more and more companies are adopting a method known as Revenue Operations (RevOps). What is revenue operations?

RevOps is the practice of converging the operations of multiple departments into one unified strategy. It’s about aligning goals, creating transparency, and improving end-to-end operational efficiency. Aligning those otherwise separate departments drives predictable revenue and spurs growth.

There are many reasons for this marked shift in operations. A combination of evolved buying processes, developments in data collection, an increased need for transparency, and other factors are in the mix. Either way, it pays to adopt this methodology in your company.

What Departments Contribute to Revenue Operations?

The definition of RevOps can seem confusing from the outside looking in. But when you’re in the fold of a company scrambling to drive revenue and produce growth, the need for it is often glaringly apparent. Siloed operations don’t cut it in the modern sales stratosphere.

Today, the goal is to work together toward a shared objective. Aligning strategies keeps everyone on the same page and allows teams to work together to complete initiatives. In sales, the collective is more important than the individual, and RevOps embodies that concept.

Activating revenue operations is like breathing new life into your organization and unlocking your true revenue potential. Many organizations will form dedicated RevOps teams, but which departments contribute to the RevOps’ grander goals?

While all departments can contribute, three have the most to give. These are sales, marketing, and customer success.

Examples of How Teams Collaborate for RevOps

Your teams will continue to fulfill their particular responsibilities to the organization. But by definition, RevOps encourages collaboration. Let’s look at some examples of how individual departments help with your revenue operations.

Marketing Teams: Territory Planning, Quotas, and Rep Efficiency

Marketing is perhaps one of the most data-reliant teams in your entire organization. Marketing operations involve extensive research, in-depth knowledge of the current sales space, and understanding every facet of your target demographic.

With the holistic approach of RevOps, your marketing department puts that knowledge and expertise to good use on a grander scale.

RevOps teams often turn to marketing experts for territory planning. They use their data to create strategies for every sales area they plan to tackle. Every territory is unique and requires a distinct approach to appeal to target buyers.

With the marketing team by their side, RevOps can create quotas, measure rep efficiency, and develop impactful strategies.

Marketing Teams: Drive User Engagement and Generate Leads

Of course, marketing operations also drum up interest and help captivate potential buyers. This department’s work can generate new leads that eventually go to the sales team.

They can generate buzz, engage audiences, and build brand awareness through strategic advertising campaigns both on- and offline.

Sales Teams: Leverage a Multi-Channel Attribution System

Sales operations are relatively straightforward. But with RevOps, your sales force can partner with other departments to fine-tune their plan of attack and develop effective sales strategies.

For example, your representatives can leverage the data from marketing and RevOps to make sales more efficient. Attribution is about identifying multiple touchpoints, understanding their value, and using them to drive the sales process.

In this case, RevOps can evaluate marketing effectiveness and reveal the most successful channels. With that information in hand, sales reps can pursue leads, guide prospects through the buyer’s journey, and make deals.

Sales Teams: Engage Prospects and Close Deals

Your sales department is directly responsible for engaging with prospects. Your sales team includes multiple positions. For example, you might have reps who make discovery calls and qualify leads, others who create pitches and reach out to prospects, and closers who make the final sale.

Each one of those positions is critical to boosting your bottom line. With RevOps, sales teams have all the tools they need to create winning moments. They can leverage data from marketing to pursue high-value leads, determine which channels are worth pursuing, and more.

Sales are on the front lines of your company’s operations, and RevOps supports them at every step.

Success Teams: Create Great Customer Experiences

This department is often overlooked, but the members of this team play a valuable role in your organization’s ongoing success and revenue growth.

Customer success operations also ensure that every buyer takes full advantage of the value offered by your product or service. They proactively address problems and work with customers to keep them happy.

The ultimate goal is to improve the customer experience across the board. When your existing customers are happy, they’re bound to become supporters for years.

Customer success managers directly support the sales team — but that’s not all. They also increase sales ROI, expanding the customer lifetime value of every buyer they engage. That can turn one-off customers into loyal brand supporters.

Success Teams: Upselling, Renewal, and Retention

Customer success operations also include revenue generation. While most companies view them as an after-sales department, they can continue to drive profits and boost the sales ROI. This department’s primary responsibility is to support patrons as they transition from prospects to customers.

But their job doesn’t stop at providing support. Success reps also have ample opportunities to upsell products, cross-sell to increase exposure to other goods or services your company offers, and more. They build trust with clients, boosting your organization’s reputation. Furthermore, they interact with your supporters in ways other departments can’t. Everything from celebrating customer success to addressing potential pain points is an opportunity to sell.

You can’t upsell without a top-notch customer experience, and this team makes it happen. The department plays a massive part in customer retention, encouraging more sales and renewals. Their work helps generate a reliable income stream that doesn’t stop with a single deal.

Integrate Training, Enablement, and Collaboration Across Teams

Are you ready to activate a revenue operations model at your company? While it may look like a massive undertaking, Flockjay can make it much more manageable. Flockjay is an all-in-one sales platform that provides tons of functionality to your entire organization.

It serves as an enablement tool, a learning platform, a place to structure sales content, and more. When it comes to RevOps, Flockjay is the perfect place to bring your teams together for collaboration and peer-to-peer learning.

Check out the platform today to see what’s possible with Flockjay and RevOps!

In the past, sales-focused companies were notoriously siloed. Departments stayed in their lanes and focused on contributing to the organization’s bottom line. While that worked for a while, things are different now.

Today, more and more companies are adopting a method known as Revenue Operations (RevOps). What is revenue operations?

RevOps is the practice of converging the operations of multiple departments into one unified strategy. It’s about aligning goals, creating transparency, and improving end-to-end operational efficiency. Aligning those otherwise separate departments drives predictable revenue and spurs growth.

There are many reasons for this marked shift in operations. A combination of evolved buying processes, developments in data collection, an increased need for transparency, and other factors are in the mix. Either way, it pays to adopt this methodology in your company.

What Departments Contribute to Revenue Operations?

The definition of RevOps can seem confusing from the outside looking in. But when you’re in the fold of a company scrambling to drive revenue and produce growth, the need for it is often glaringly apparent. Siloed operations don’t cut it in the modern sales stratosphere.

Today, the goal is to work together toward a shared objective. Aligning strategies keeps everyone on the same page and allows teams to work together to complete initiatives. In sales, the collective is more important than the individual, and RevOps embodies that concept.

Activating revenue operations is like breathing new life into your organization and unlocking your true revenue potential. Many organizations will form dedicated RevOps teams, but which departments contribute to the RevOps’ grander goals?

While all departments can contribute, three have the most to give. These are sales, marketing, and customer success.

Examples of How Teams Collaborate for RevOps

Your teams will continue to fulfill their particular responsibilities to the organization. But by definition, RevOps encourages collaboration. Let’s look at some examples of how individual departments help with your revenue operations.

Marketing Teams: Territory Planning, Quotas, and Rep Efficiency

Marketing is perhaps one of the most data-reliant teams in your entire organization. Marketing operations involve extensive research, in-depth knowledge of the current sales space, and understanding every facet of your target demographic.

With the holistic approach of RevOps, your marketing department puts that knowledge and expertise to good use on a grander scale.

RevOps teams often turn to marketing experts for territory planning. They use their data to create strategies for every sales area they plan to tackle. Every territory is unique and requires a distinct approach to appeal to target buyers.

With the marketing team by their side, RevOps can create quotas, measure rep efficiency, and develop impactful strategies.

Marketing Teams: Drive User Engagement and Generate Leads

Of course, marketing operations also drum up interest and help captivate potential buyers. This department’s work can generate new leads that eventually go to the sales team.

They can generate buzz, engage audiences, and build brand awareness through strategic advertising campaigns both on- and offline.

Sales Teams: Leverage a Multi-Channel Attribution System

Sales operations are relatively straightforward. But with RevOps, your sales force can partner with other departments to fine-tune their plan of attack and develop effective sales strategies.

For example, your representatives can leverage the data from marketing and RevOps to make sales more efficient. Attribution is about identifying multiple touchpoints, understanding their value, and using them to drive the sales process.

In this case, RevOps can evaluate marketing effectiveness and reveal the most successful channels. With that information in hand, sales reps can pursue leads, guide prospects through the buyer’s journey, and make deals.

Sales Teams: Engage Prospects and Close Deals

Your sales department is directly responsible for engaging with prospects. Your sales team includes multiple positions. For example, you might have reps who make discovery calls and qualify leads, others who create pitches and reach out to prospects, and closers who make the final sale.

Each one of those positions is critical to boosting your bottom line. With RevOps, sales teams have all the tools they need to create winning moments. They can leverage data from marketing to pursue high-value leads, determine which channels are worth pursuing, and more.

Sales are on the front lines of your company’s operations, and RevOps supports them at every step.

Success Teams: Create Great Customer Experiences

This department is often overlooked, but the members of this team play a valuable role in your organization’s ongoing success and revenue growth.

Customer success operations also ensure that every buyer takes full advantage of the value offered by your product or service. They proactively address problems and work with customers to keep them happy.

The ultimate goal is to improve the customer experience across the board. When your existing customers are happy, they’re bound to become supporters for years.

Customer success managers directly support the sales team — but that’s not all. They also increase sales ROI, expanding the customer lifetime value of every buyer they engage. That can turn one-off customers into loyal brand supporters.

Success Teams: Upselling, Renewal, and Retention

Customer success operations also include revenue generation. While most companies view them as an after-sales department, they can continue to drive profits and boost the sales ROI. This department’s primary responsibility is to support patrons as they transition from prospects to customers.

But their job doesn’t stop at providing support. Success reps also have ample opportunities to upsell products, cross-sell to increase exposure to other goods or services your company offers, and more. They build trust with clients, boosting your organization’s reputation. Furthermore, they interact with your supporters in ways other departments can’t. Everything from celebrating customer success to addressing potential pain points is an opportunity to sell.

You can’t upsell without a top-notch customer experience, and this team makes it happen. The department plays a massive part in customer retention, encouraging more sales and renewals. Their work helps generate a reliable income stream that doesn’t stop with a single deal.

Integrate Training, Enablement, and Collaboration Across Teams

Are you ready to activate a revenue operations model at your company? While it may look like a massive undertaking, Flockjay can make it much more manageable. Flockjay is an all-in-one sales platform that provides tons of functionality to your entire organization.

It serves as an enablement tool, a learning platform, a place to structure sales content, and more. When it comes to RevOps, Flockjay is the perfect place to bring your teams together for collaboration and peer-to-peer learning.

Check out the platform today to see what’s possible with Flockjay and RevOps!

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Built for Sales People by Sales People